September 2, 2018

SKK Nordic Dog Show in Sandviken

Schnauzer judge: Natalja Skalin
Miniature Schnauzer judge: Per lundström


Argenta's Saxe Segersäll - Exc, CK, 3rd best male, CAC
Argenta's Sten Sture - Exc, 1st junior class (due to water tail)
Ch Argenta's Morrison - Exc, CK, 4th best male

Ch Argenta's Qatniss - Exc, 2nd best female, Res. Nordic CAC
Ch Argenta's Qlothilde - Exc, CK, Best in Opposite Sex, Nordic CAC

Miniature Schnauzer
Argenta's Mini Maddox - HP, Best of Breed Puppy (6-9 months)

Star's of White Night Ellie Goulding - VG
Argenta's Mini Jade - VG

The battery in our camera ended early in the morning so we were only able to take photos of Maddox competing in puppy class.

Argenta's Mini Maddox, 7 months
(Russkiy Assorti'c Irbis x Argenta's Mini Eileen)
Owner: Ann-louise & Jimmy Thorsén

Argenta's Mini Maddox, 7 months
(Russkiy Assorti'c Irbis x Argenta's Mini Eileen)
Owner: Ann-louise & Jimmy Thorsén

Argenta's Mini Maddox, 7 months
(Russkiy Assorti'c Irbis x Argenta's Mini Eileen)
Owner: Ann-louise & Jimmy Thorsén