May 29, 2019

Blood tracking news!

We got some great news from Thomas and Argenta's Pfeiffer "Rally" who have passed their first open class in blood tracking on their first try in open class. Now they need two more qualified results in open class before receiving the Swedish blood tracking champion title.
Way to go Thomas and Rally!

Argenta's Pfeiffer
(Argenta's Kingsley x Xocco Saltus Ze Zahrabske)
Owner: Thomas Nargell

May 26, 2019

News from USA!

We got some great news from USA and Argenta's Lelace Lorelai who were shown at Utah Valley Kennel Club were she became Best of Breed with a major win that made her American Grand Gold Champion!

American champion, American Grand Champion, American Grand Gold Champion
Argenta's Lelace Lorelai
(Argenta's Flanagan x Argenta's Brittany)
Owner: Garnavieve Beeson

May 25, 2019

Rally Obedience news!

We got some great news from Maria and Argenta's Giovanni "Ozzy" who have been to Mora BK and competed in a triple Rally obedience competition in Master class and got THREE qualified results and three certificates with 90, 95 and 99 points of 100 points!
Way to go Maria and Ozzy!

Argenta's Giovanni
(apitanomiocapitano-PS d'Utrillo x Argenta's Zaffron)
Owner: Maria Axelsson

May 19, 2019

SSPK Speciality show in Hässleholm

Schnauzer Pinscher Speciality show (SSPK)

Schnauzer judge: Göran Åkesson, Sweden
Miniature Schnauzer judge: Jan Herngren, Sweden

Schnauzer (30)
Argenta's Vesper - Exc, HP, Best of Breed Baby, Best in Show 2 Baby
Argenta's Uno Unik - Exc, CK, 1st junior male, Best of Breed Junior, CAC

Argenta's Huckleberry - EXC, CK, 2nd veteran male

Argenta's Valencia - Exc, HP, 2nd baby female

Argenta's Valkyria - Exc, HP, Best in Opposite Sex Baby
Orchidea Alarm Beskyd - EXC, CK, 2nd junior female
Argenta's Qatniss - EXC, 2nd in champion class
Argenta's Felicity - EXC, CK, Best in Opposite Sex Veteran

Argenta's Puppy Breeders group - 
Best of Breed, Best In Show 
Argenta's Breeders group - Best of Breed, Best In Show 2

Miniature Schnauzer (28)

Top Target Happy Hero Argenta - EXC, 3rd in junior class

Argenta's Vesper 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Family Galns
Handler: Annika Bengtsson

Argenta's Vesper 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Family Glans
Handler: Annika Bengtsson

Argenta's Vesper 4,5 m
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Family Glans
Handler: Annika Bengtsson

Argenta's Valkyria 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Caroline Spetz

Argenta's Valencia 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Ida Björklund

Argenta's Valkyria 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Caroline Spetz

Argenta's Valkyria 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Caroline Spetz

Argenta's Valkyria 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Caroline Spetz

Argenta's Valkyria 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Caroline Spetz

Two sisters: Argenta's Valencia and Argenta's Valkyria

Argenta's Valencia 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
OwnerIda Björklund

Argenta's Valkyria 4,5 months
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Caroline Spetz

BOB Baby: Argenta's Vesper
BOS Baby: Argenta's Valkyria
Judge: Göran Åkesson

SEJW'19 Argenta's Uno Unik 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
OwnerEmilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

SEJW'19 Argenta's Uno Unik 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
OwnerEmilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

Argenta's Huckleberry 8 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Centara Dazzling Dubonet)
Owner: Annika Bengtsson

SEJW'19 Orchidea Alarm Beskyd, 11 months
(Ave Concorde Lucas x Favoritka Alarm Beskyd)
Owner: Anki Thörnestad & Boel Niklasson
Breeder: Lenka Fajkusová

SEJW'19 Orchidea Alarm Beskyd, 11 months
(Ave Concorde Lucas x Favoritka Alarm Beskyd)
Owner: Anki Thörnestad & Boel Niklasson
Breeder: Lenka Fajkusová

SEUCH Argenta's Qatniss 3,5 years
(Simon vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli)
Owner: Ida Björklund

SEUCH, SEVW'19 Argenta's Felicity, 11 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Argenta's Yoline)
Owner: Helena Björklund 
Handler: Ida Björklund

BOB Junior: Argenta's Uno Unik
BOS Junior: Grimetons Ziers Libra Of Elestorp 
Judge: Göran Åkesson

BOB Junior: Argenta's Uno Unik
BOS Junior: Grimetons Ziers Libra Of Elestorp 
Judge: Göran Åkesson

Argenta's breeders group containing 4 combinations between ages 1-11 years
From the left: Caroline with A. Uno Unik, Ida with A. Felicity,
Sara with A. Qatniss, Annika withA. Huckleberry

Argenta's breeders group containing 4 combinations between ages 1-11 years
From the left: Caroline with A. Uno Unik, Ida with A. Felicity,
Sara with A. Qatniss, Annika withA. Huckleberry

BIS 2 Baby - Argenta's Vesper 
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Family Glans
Handler: Caroline Spetz

BIS 2 Baby - Argenta's Vesper 
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Family Glans
Handler: Caroline Spetz

BIS 2 Baby - Argenta's Vesper 
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Family Glans
Handler: Caroline Spetz

Best In Show Breeders Puppy Group containing three siblings from Argenta's V3 kull:
Valkyria with Caroline, Vesper with Annika and Valencia with Ida
BIS judge: Göran Åkesson

Best In Show Breeders Puppy Group containing three siblings from Argenta's V3 kull:
Valkyria with Caroline, Vesper with Annika and Valencia with Ida
BIS judge: Göran Åkesson

Best In Show 2 Breeders Group
From the left: Caroline with A. Uno Unik, Ida with A. Felicity,
Pernilla with A. Qatniss, Annika withA. Huckleberry

Best In Show 2 Breeders Group
From the left: Caroline with A. Uno Unik, Ida with A. Felicity,
Pernilla with A. Qatniss, Annika withA. Huckleberry

Rally Obedience news!

We got some great news from Argenta's Qingston, Argenta's Giovanni and Maria Axelsson who have competed in rally obedience with his boys.

Argenta's Giovanni "Wiggo" who competed in Master class for the first time this year got 99 points out of 100, won his class and got a certificate!

Argenta's Qingston "Texas" competed in Advanced class for the third time in total got 93 and 94 points out of 100 and thereby got his 2nd and 3rd qualified result and thereby got a brand new rally obedience title in only three starts: RLD A!
Way to go Wiggo, Texas and Maria!

Argenta's Giovanni
(apitanomiocapitano-PS d'Utrillo x Argenta's Zaffron)
Owner: Maria Axelsson

Argenta's Qingston
(Simon vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli)
Owner: Maria Axelsson

News from USA!

We got some great news from USA and Argenta's Kingsleys daughter Quasar Frankincense Rising who won a major and ended up as Best of Winners at AKC Rio Grande Kennel Club!
This beautiful young girl is out of Argenta's Kingsley and Quasar Christmas Cheer.

Quasar Frankincense Rising
(Argenta's Kingsley x Quasar Christmas Cheer)
Breeder: Michelle Root
Owner: Kim Bennett

Rally Obedience news!

We got some great news from Argenta's Mini Jaeger, Argenta's Nigella and Sophie Hedberg who have competed in rally obedience on Nacka BK. Both Jaeger and Nigella got their third qualified result in starter class in rally obedience and thereby closed their first rally obedience title: RLD N!
Now Jaeger got titles in 4 different diciplines and Ellie in 3 different diciplines and their titles in total are now:

IECH, NORD, JV-14, FIN JW-14, SE JW-14
Argenta's Nigella 

RLD N, SEVCH, SEUCH NORD JW-17, Approved Scent Test in Nosework  – Eucalyptus
Argenta's Mini Jaeger

Argenta's Mini Jaeger and Argenta's Nigella together with Sophie Hedberg after winning their first rally obedience title

May 18, 2019

SKK Nordic Show in Hässleholm

Schnauzer judge: Eva Nielsen, Sweden
Miniature Schnauzer judge: Göran Åkesson, Sweden

Schnauzer (25)
Argenta's Uno Unik - Exc, CK, 2nd junior male
Argenta's Huckleberry - EXC, CK, 2nd veteran male

Orchidea Alarm Beskyd - EXC, CK, Best of BreedNordic CACCAC
Argenta's Qatniss - EXC, CK, 3rd in champion class
Argenta's Felicity - EXC, CK, Best of Breed Veteran

Argenta's Breeders group: Best of Breed

Miniature Schnauzer (27)

Top Target Happy Hero Argenta - EXC, 3rd in junior class

SEJW'19 Argenta's Uno Unik 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Emilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

SEJW'19 Argenta's Uno Unik 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Emilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

DKUCH, KORAD, NO JV-11, NORD JV-11, RLD N ,SE UCH, TJH(PTRH) Argenta's Huckleberry 8 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Centara Dazzling Dubonet)
Owner: Annika Bengtsson

DKUCH, KORAD, NO JV-11, NORD JV-11, RLD N ,SE UCH, TJH(PTRH) Argenta's Huckleberry 8 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Centara Dazzling Dubonet)
Owner: Annika Bengtsson

DKUCH, KORAD, NO JV-11, NORD JV-11, RLD N ,SE UCH, TJH(PTRH) Argenta's Huckleberry 8 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Centara Dazzling Dubonet)
Owner: Annika Bengtsson

Orchidea Alarm Beskyd in the junior class

SEJW'19 Orchidea Alarm Beskyd, 11 months
(Ave Concorde Lucas x Favoritka Alarm Beskyd)
Owner: Anki Thörnestad & Boel Niklasson
Breeder: Lenka Fajkusová
BOB: SEJW'19 Orchidea Alarm Beskyd
BOS: SEUCH, DKUCH, NOUCH Friends For All Baghera
Judge: Eva Nielsen

BOB Veteran: SEUCH, SEVW'19 Argenta's Felicity
BOS Veteran: Velvet Dandys Napolean Dynamite (who didn't want to get photographed)
Judge: Eva Nielsen
SEJW'19 Top Target Happy Hero Argenta, 1 year
(Welkar Amigo Pimienta x Top Target Ariadna)
Breeder: Natalia Sviridova, Kennel Top Target
Owner: Boel Niklasson

Argenta's Felicity in the Veteran Best in Show
Orchidea Alarm Beskyd in the Best in Group final

Orchidea Alarm Beskyd, 11 months
(Ave Concorde Lucas x Favoritka Alarm Beskyd)
Owner: Anki Thörnestad & Boel NiklassonBreeder: Lenka Fajkusová

Orchidea Alarm Beskyd, 11 months
(Ave Concorde Lucas x Favoritka Alarm Beskyd)
Owner: Anki Thörnestad & Boel NiklassonBreeder: Lenka Fajkusová

Orchidea Alarm Beskyd, 11 months
(Ave Concorde Lucas x Favoritka Alarm Beskyd)
Owner: Anki Thörnestad & Boel NiklassonBreeder: Lenka Fajkusová 

Orchidea Alarm Beskyd, 11 months
(Ave Concorde Lucas x Favoritka Alarm Beskyd)
Owner: Anki Thörnestad & Boel Niklasson
Breeder: Lenka Fajkusová

Argenta's Uno Unik, 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Emilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

Argenta's Uno Unik, 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Emilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

Argenta's Uno Unik, 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Emilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

Argenta's Uno Unik, 11,5 months
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Emilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

SEUCH, SEVW'19 Argenta's Felicity, 11 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Argenta's Yoline)
Owner: Helena Björklund 
Handler: Ida Björklund

SEUCH, SEVW'19 Argenta's Felicity, 11 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Argenta's Yoline)
Owner: Helena Björklund 
Handler: Ida Björklund

SEUCH, SEVW'19 Argenta's Felicity, 11 years
(Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro x Argenta's Yoline)
Owner: Helena Björklund 
Handler: Ida Björklund

SEUCH Argenta's Qatniss 3,5 years
(Simon vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli)
Ägare: Ida Björklund

SEUCH Argenta's Qatniss 3,5 years
(Simon vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli)
Ägare: Ida Björklund
Behind every great dog photo is hard work and a great squad! 
Ida and Annika is bait and makes the dogs stand with attitude