July 15, 2018

SSPK Specialty Show in Piteå

Schnauzer judge: Carina Andersson Rapp, Sweden

Argenta's Styrbjörn Starke - Exc, CK, CAC, Best In Opposite Sex, Best of Breed Junior, Best In Show Junior 4

Argenta's Qatniss - Exc, CK, Best of Breed, Best In Show 4

Best of Breed: Argenta's Qatniss
Best in Opposite Sex: Argenta's Styrbjörn Starke

Argenta's Styrbjörn Starke, 13 months
(Argenta's Griffith x Argenta's Karamelli)
Owner: Fanny Hellqvist
Handler: Agneta Lundmark-Hellqvist

Best In Show 4:
SEUCH Argenta's Qatniss
(Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli)
Owner: Ida Björklund

July 14, 2018

International Show in Piteå

Schnauzer judge: Birthe Scheel, Denmark

Argenta's Styrbjörn Starke - Exc, CK, R. CAC, 3rd best male

Argenta's Qatniss - Exc, CK, CAC, CACIB, Best in Opposite Sex, Swedish Champion

Best Of Breed: Miljösablo's Best Christmas Gift
Best in Opposite Sex: Argenta's Qatniss

July 9, 2018

News photos of our U3-litter

We took some new photos of Argenta's Uno Unik who now is 5 weeks old. 
We are still looking for the right home in Stockholm for this happy and curious guy, feel fre to contact us if interested.

Argenta's Uno Unik - 5 weeks old
(Quasar Double Barell x Argenta's Nigella)
Argenta's Uno Unik - 5 weeks old
(Quasar Double Barell x Argenta's Nigella)

July 8, 2018

New puppy male from Russia!

This year we are focusing on nice puppy males.
So let us introduce another one, "Freke", Nettl Greit Enslaver Heart Argenta
(Ch Ave Concorde Shato X Ch Nettl Greit Abbondanzia Korna)

Nettl Greit Enslaver Heart Argenta, "Freke" - 4 months 

Pedigree of "Freke"

July 7, 2018

News from Latvia!

We got some great news from our friends in Latvia and from the Latvian Schnauzer Club - Championship 2018 in Riga!

Best of Breed: Argenta's Kapten Kaempe
Best in Opposite Sex: Bonzen Cecilia
Judge:  Bernardo Büchner Regazzoni, Uruguay 

Argenta's Kapten Kaempe winning Best In Show, here with handler Evija Shukevicha and judge Bernardo Büchner Regazzoni  

Best progeny group - Argenta's Mini Dag Diplomat

July 1, 2018

New Rally Obedience title!

We got some great news from our puppy owner Maria Axelsson who have competed in rally obedience with her youngest dog Argenta's Qingston, "Texas", in a double competition. They both did great and "Texas" won the first competition with 97 points of 100 and thereby got his second rally obedience title: RLD F! On the second competition he was a little bit hot and tired but still got 80 points and a approved result. Big congratulations to Maria and "Texas"!

RLD N, RLD F Argenta's Qingston
(Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli)