Schnauzer Males:Ch Argenta's Morrison - Exc, CK, 2nd best male
Argenta's Valencia - HP, Best of Breed Puppy, Best In Show Puppy
Argenta's Svea Sköldmö - Exc, CK, 3rd Best female, CAC
Ch Argenta's Qatniss - Exc, CK, Best in Opposite Sex
Argenta's Breeders Group - HP, Best of Breed, Best In Show 2
SEUCH, SKBV Argenta's Qatniss (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Ida Björklund |
SEVCH Argenta's Svea Sköldmö (SArgenta's Griffith x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Anneli Johansson |