October 25, 2020

Nose Work News

We got some great news from Argenta's Valencia and Ida Björklund who have passed their first scent test and now got an approved scent test in eucalyptus/nosework.

Argenta's Valencia
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Ida Björklund

Z3-Litter 5,5 weeks

Some new head pictures of our Z3-litter which is now 5,5 weeks old.
The puppies have now got their names registered: 

Argenta's Zachary
Argenta's Zampson
Argenta's Zanthos
Argenta's Zapphire
Argenta's Zawyer
Argenta's Zeymore
Argenta's Zahara
Argenta's Zephora
Argenta's Zinniah Argenta's Zylwana

Mr Red

Mr Blue

Miss Yellow

Mr Green

Mr Orange

Miss Pink

Mr Light Blue

Miss White

Mr Purple

Miss Light Green

October 23, 2020

Planned Miniature Schnauzer Litter

 We have now bred our "Goldie", Star's Of White Night Ellie Goulding, to "Bosse", Broddways Show Me The Ring. We cross our fingers for Miniature Schnauzer puppies in the middle of December.

October 22, 2020

Z3-Litter 5 Weeks

  Some new pictures of our Z3-litter which are 5 weeks old.

October 17, 2020

Rally Obedience News

We got some great news from Anna Astergren and Argenta's Mini Harper, "Gizmo", who have competed in a triple competition in the second class in rally obedience for the first time. They did a splendid job and got three qualified results out of three starts and thereby got their second rally obedience title in shortest possible way! They also got a 2nd, 3rd and 4th placement in each start.
Way to go Anna and Gizmo!

RLD N, RLD F Argenta's Mini Harper
(Argenta's Mini Antonov x Argenta's Mini Brilliant)
Owner: Anna Astergren

RLD N, RLD F Argenta's Mini Harper
(Argenta's Mini Antonov x Argenta's Mini Brilliant)
Owner: Anna Astergren

Z3-Litter 4,5 weeks

 Some head pictures of our Z3-litter which is now 4,5 weeks old.

Mr Red

Mr Blue

Miss Yellow

Mr Green

Mr Orange

Miss Pink

Mr Light Blue

Miss White

Mr Purple
Miss Light Green

October 14, 2020

Z3-litter 4 weeks

 Some new pictures of our Z3-litter which are soon 4 weeks old.