June 29, 2020

Rally obedience news

We got some great news from "Izor", Argenta's Veni Vidi Vici and his owner Maria Axelsson who have competed for the first time in rally obedience. They got 82 points on the first round and 96 points on the second round, that means he now have two qualified results and only need one more to get his first rally obedience title and move on to next class.
Way to go Izor and Maria!

Argenta's Veni Vidi Vici, 1,5 year
(Argenta's Phoenix x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Maria Axelsson

June 20, 2020

News from Latvia

We got some great news from Latvia and Argenta's Kapten Kaempe who have competed for the first time in veteran class on a group 2 show and did really great! He went Best of Breed with veteran-CAC, Best in Show Veteran 3 and Best in Show 4!
Big congratulations to all our latvian friends at Kennel Dinamunde!

C.I.B, Multi Ch, Multi Winner Argenta's Kapten Kaempe
(Caudatus Ray of Sunshine x Dinamunde Trifele)
Owner: Sabina Ivanova
Handler: Evija Shukevicha

June 19, 2020

Happy Midsummer

We want to wish all our friends and puppy owners happy midsummer!

All our family dogs together with a two-legged addition to the Kennel, Elliot, in the middle.
From left: Argenta's Caitline, Argenta's Mini Dahlia, Argenta's Valkyria, Elliot,
Argenta's Karamelli, Argenta's Mini Frances, Argenta's Mini Eileen, Top Target Happy Hero Argenta

June 14, 2020

Rally Obedience News

We got some great news from Argenta's Uno Unik and his owner Emilia Östlund who have competed in the start class in rally obedience. They got their third qualified result that resulted in them moving up to next class and a new title: RLD N!
Way to go Emilia and Uno!

RLD N, SEJW-19 Argenta's Uno Unik
(Quasar Double Barrel x Argenta's Nigella)
Owner: Emilia Östlund & Boel Niklasson

June 5, 2020

New pictures

We had Argenta's Xiomara, "Xima", over for some grooming and took the opportunity to take some new photos of her. She's truly a promising young lady!

Argenta's Xiomara, 1 year
(Argenta's Morrison x Argenta's Precious)
Owner: Anna Fransson

June 1, 2020

New pictures

We took some new pictures of our lovely "Sheldon", Top Target Happy Hero Argenta who now have turned 2 years old. We had plans to show him this spring/summer to gain his last CAC for the swedish champion title but with Corona we have to postpone those plans for now.

SEJW'19 Top Target Happy Hero Argenta
(Welkar Amigo Pimienta x Top Target Ariadna)
Owner: Boel Niklasson