This years "Dog of the year" competition in the Swedish Schnauzer Club resulted in great results for the Argenta-dogs in different competitions with a widely spread with both show and working results. We had a show break in 2018 and showed very sparingly but still got some great placements for Argenta dogs thanks to our wonderful puppy owners that always takes of the best from their Schnauzers! A big thank you to all our wonderful puppy owners for taking the best care of your dogs and for bringing out the best in them!
Schnauzer Pepper & Salt of the year:
1. Argenta's Qatniss
Swedish Champion Argenta's Qatniss (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Ida Björklund
8. Argenta's Qlothilde |
Swedish Champion, Swedish Bloodtrackning Champion Argenta's Qlothilde (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Monika Johansson & Boel Niklasson
13. Argenta's Morrison
Swedish Champion, Swedish Bloodtracking Champion Argenta's Morrison (Caudatus Zeus x Argenta's Eleonor) Owner: Monika Johansson |
15. Argenta's Noblessa
SeUCh, NoUCh, DanUCh, NordicCh, NoJW'14, DanJW'14 Argenta's Noblessa (Qaspar Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Yoline) Owner: Annika Bengtsson
Rally obedience dog of the year:
1. Argenta's Giovanni
LP I, LP II, RLD N, RLD F, RLD A, RLD M, SEVCH, SErallyCH Argenta's Giovanni (Capitanomiocapitano-PS d'Utrillo x Argenta's Zaffron) Owner: Maria Axelsson
2. Argenta's Izendia
LP I, RLD N, RLD F, RLD A, RLD M, SE RALLYCH, SEVCH Argenta's Izendia (Argenta's Yellowstone x Argenta's Caitline) Owner: Eva Medin |
3. Argenta's Qingston
RLD N, RLD F Argenta's Qingston (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Maria Axelsson |
5. Argenta's Loretta
SEUCH, RLD N, RLD F Argenta's Loretta (Argenta's Flanagan x Argenta's Brittany) Owner: Gun Bie |
5. Argenta's Qatrilli
RLD N Argenta's Qatrilli (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Karin Fjellström |
Bloodtracking dog of the year:
1. Argenta's Morrison
SEUCH, SEVCH Argenta's Morrison (Caudatus Zeus x Argenta's Eleonor) Owner: Monika Johansson |
2. Argenta's Qlothilde
SEUCH, SEVCH Argenta's Qlothilde (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Monika Johansson & Boel Niklasson |
4. Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro
C.I.B, SeUCH, EeCH, LatCh, USCh, SEVCH, SeW'09'11'12, EeW'09, NordicW'11, NordicVW'15, SeVW'16 Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro (Dinamunce Lord Brendon x Rus Noel Randez-Vous) Owner: Ida Björklund & Boel Niklasson |