Argenta's Styrbjörn Starke - Exc, CK, CAC, Best In Opposite Sex, Best of Breed Junior, Best In Show Junior 4
Argenta's Qatniss - Exc, CK, Best of Breed, Best In Show 4
Best of Breed: Argenta's Qatniss Best in Opposite Sex: Argenta's Styrbjörn Starke |
Argenta's Styrbjörn Starke, 13 months (Argenta's Griffith x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Fanny Hellqvist Handler: Agneta Lundmark-Hellqvist |
Best In Show 4: SEUCH Argenta's Qatniss (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Ida Björklund |