This years dog of the year competition in the Swedish Schnauzer Pinscher Club resulted in great results for the Argenta-dogs with great results in both thw working and show competition. A big thank you to all our wonderful puppy owners for taking the best care of your dogs and for bringing out the best in them!
Standard Schnauzer Pepper & Salt of the year:
Argenta's Kingsley
C.I.B, SEUCH, NOUCH, FINCH, NORDICCH, ESTCH, LVCH, SEVCH, SKBV, VICEWW'17 SEW'14'16, FINW'14, NOW'14, HELSINKIW'14, NORDICW'14'15, SEJW'12 Argenta's Kingsley (Caudatus Ray of Sunshine x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Maria Sundbom |
Second best Schnauzer Pepper & Salt female:
Argenta's Nigella
C.I.B, SEUCH, NOCH, FINCH, NORDICCH, IECH, SEVCH, SKBV, NORDICJW'14, FINJW'14, SEJW'14 Argenta's Nigella (Qaspar Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Yoline) Owner: Sophie Hedberg & Caroline Spetz |
Third best Schnauzer Pepper & Salt female:
Argenta's Qlothilde
Argenta's Qlothilde (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Agenda' Karamelli) Owner: Monika Johansson & Boel Niklasson |
Fourth best Schnauzer Pepper & Salt female:
Argenta's Qatniss
Argenta's Qatniss (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Ida Björklund |
Fourth best Schnauzer Pepper & Salt male:
Argenta's Morrison
SeUCh, SKBV Argenta's Morrison (Caudatus Zeus x Argenta's Eleonor) Owner: Monika Johansson |
Fifth best Miniature Schnauzer Pepper & Salt
male of the year:
Argenta's Mini Jaeger
NordicJW'17 Argenta's Mini Jaeger (Little Star De Trufas Negras x Argenta's Mini Dahlia) Owner: Sophie Hedberg & Caroline Spetz |
Best Schnauzer Obedience dog of the year:
Argenta's Nigella
C.I.B, SEUCH, NOCH, FINCH, NORDICCH, IECH, SEVCH, SKBV, NORDICJW'14, FINJW'14, SEJW'14 Argenta's Nigella (Qaspar Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Yoline) Owner: Sophie Hedberg & Caroline Spetz |
Best Schnauzer Rally Obedience
dog of the year:
Argenta's Giovanni
LP I, LP II, RLD N, RLD F, RLD A, RLD M, SEVCH, SErallyCH Argenta's Giovanni (Capitanomiocapitano-PS d'Utrillo x Argenta's Zaffron) Owner: Maria Axelsson |
Fifth best Schnauzer Rally Obedience
dog of the year:
Argenta's Qingston
RLD N Argenta's Qingston (Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Argenta's Karamelli) Owner: Maria Axelsson |