September 30, 2017

News from Finland

We truly have wonderful puppy owners! 
Today at the international show in Eckerö, Finland, Sophie Hedberg and Argenta's Nigella won Best of Breed with CACIB wich closed the international champion title! And Yvonne Ingvarsson showed Argenta's Outlander to Best in Opposite Sex with CAC and CACIB that made him Finnish champion! 
Also Argenta's Qlothilde and Ch Argenta's Morrison handled by Monika placed in top in hard competition!

Best of Breed: C.I.B, SEUCH, NOCH, FINCH, NORDICCH, IECH, SEVCH, SKBV, NORDICJW'14, FINJW'14, SEJW'14 Argenta's Nigella
Best in Opposite Sex: SEUCH, SEVCH Argenta's Outlander
Best of Breed: C.I.B, SEUCH, NOCH, FINCH, NORDICCH, IECH, SEVCH, SKBV, NORDICJW'14, FINJW'14, SEJW'14 Argenta's Nigella
Best in Opposite Sex: SEUCH, SEVCH Argenta's Outlander

September 3, 2017

A Best In Show double

This weekend two brothers both won BEST IN SHOW!!
In Sweden: C.I.B, Multi Ch, Multi Winner Argenta's Kingsley, specialist Ernst Theisen, Germany 

In Latvia: C.I.B, Multi Ch, Multi Winner Argenta's Kapten Kaempe, specialist Andrzej Szutkiewicz, Poland

Sire: C.I.B, Multi Ch, Multi Winner Caudatus Ray Of Sunshine
Dame: C.I.B, Multi Ch, Multi Winner Dinamunde Trifele

Three new champions

A Schnauzer is truly a real allround dog. 
So happy and proud that we got a triple this weekend. 
A new Rally Obedience Champion, a new Blood Tracking Champion and a new Show Champion.
Congratulation to Maria Axelsson and Ch Argenta'sGiovanni in Rally obedience, Yvonne Ingvarsson and Ch Argenta's Outlander in blood tracking and Ulrika Ubonér Thorstrand and Ch Argenta's Portman in conformation.

SSPK Specialty Show in Högbo

Schnauzer judge: Ernst Theisen, Germany
Miniature Schnauzer judge: Ann-Christin Johansson, Sweden

Argenta's Kingsley - Exc, CK, Best of Breed, Best In Show
Argenta's Morrison - Exc, CK, 3rd best male

Argenta's Raewyn - Very good
Argenta's Qatniss - Exc, CK, 3rd best female
Argenta's Qlothilde - Exc, CK, CAC, Best in Opposite Sex
Argenta's Nigella - Exc, CK, 2nd best female

Argenta's breeders group - Best in breed, Best In Show 2

Miniature Schnauzers
Star's of White Night Ellie Goulding - 4th female puppy

A big thanks to all judges for appreciating our dogs and big thanks to our wonderful friends in Team Argenta for yet another fun and lovely weekend!
More photos will come!

C.I.B, Multi Ch, Multi Winner Argenta's Kingsley winning Best In Show under Schnauzer specialist Ernst Theisen

September 2, 2017

SKK International show in Sandviken

Standard Schnauzer judge: Jeff Luscott, UK
Miniature Schnauzer judge: Ernst Thiesen, Germany

Argenta's Portman - Exc, CK, 2nd best male, R.CACIB, CAC, Swedish Champion!
Ch Argenta's Kingsley - Exc, CK, 4th best male

Argenta's Raewyn - Exc, CK, 4th best female
Argenta's Qatniss - VG
Argenta's Qlothilde - Exc, CK, CAC, CACIB, Best in Opposite Sex
Ch Xocco Saltus Ze Zahrabske - Exc, CK, 3rd best female

Kennel Argenta - Best in breed

Miniature Schnauzer
Star's of White Night Ellie Goulding - HP, 4th puppy female

Argenta's Qlothilde
(Simon Vom Achterplätzchen x Agenda' Karamelli)
Owner: Monika Johansson & Boel Niklasson

SeUCh Argenta's Portman
(Argenta's Kingsley x Xocco Saltus Ze Zahrabske)
Owner: Ulrika Ubonér Thorstrand

Star's of White Night Ellie Goulding
(Russkiy Assorti'c Overon x Galahad Pride Bleiz)
Owner: Boel Niklasson & Carina Lundberg & Ann Eklund